Schedule C

Profit or Loss From Business (Sole Proprietorship)


Schedule C is used by sole proprietors and single-member LLCs to report income or loss from their business as part of their individual tax return.

Who Must File

  • Sole proprietors
  • Single-member Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) that haven't elected to be treated as corporations
  • Independent contractors and freelancers

Key Sections

  1. Business Information: Name, address, accounting method, and business codes
  2. Income: Gross receipts, returns, and allowances
  3. Cost of Goods Sold: For businesses that maintain inventory
  4. Expenses: Detailed listing of various business expenses, including:Advertising
  5. Net Profit or Loss: Calculation of the business's bottom line

Important Considerations

  • Must be filed with Form 1040
  • Requires detailed record-keeping of all business income and expenses
  • May need to be accompanied by other forms, such as Form 4562 for depreciation
  • Self-employment tax is calculated based on the net profit reported on Schedule C


  • Allows business owners to deduct legitimate business expenses
  • Provides a clear picture of business profitability
  • Helps in tracking business performance year over year

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